GEORGE SKORZANKA 16, 511, 150 lbs

Polish, born in Germany, raised in Brasil.

Solo photos of George on pgs 44,45 of TR. 8mm $12, 16mm $18. (SD cats 18-21); Lil $9.74 16m (pgs 11-13 SC) release Sept 66.; #D-25 $13.25 8mm $19.88 16mm.;

Letters from readers:


WHEN IS A MAN TOO OLD TO WORK OUT? "I am 50 years, have a healthy but lean body. But I don't attract as much attention as I did 25 years ago. I've been thinking that if I got a powerful muscular build I might be in much greater demand. Is it too late for me? DJ Cleveland Ohio Editor's reply: To hear most of the muscle magazine editors tell it, it's never too late even if you were 90. The truth is that 50 is a bit late to attempt to develop a super physique. The time to start is in the early teens. But unquestionably worthy progress can still be made at your age. However, care and discretion should be exercised because an injudicious exercise program could create strains on the body that could cause a complete breakdown of health, lead to heart failure, or other degenerative ailments. This happened to a former physique photographer

FILMS: With Tom Parker in Film #P25 Bear & Trader Film L-29 $6.50 8mm, Dr. Faggerty's Strange Experiment, Film several others to be announced later.

we knew (Frederick KoVert) who passed away at the age of 53. The artist George Quaintance was also an active user of barbells and he too died in his early fifties. We just had word that VicNicolleti who was in hundreds of physique contests died a few months ago at the age of 48 from heart failure

Please do not think we are condemning all exercise. On the contrary we firmly believe that a certain amount is vital for optimum health--the amout will differ greatly from one man to another--and with exercise one should practice temperance os with food, drink, and other phases of his living.

With any exercise program, the beginning efforts should be light working up gradually to more active participation. Physical check-ups from a competent doctor are essential if a very active program is to be followed.

Left Bob Kennedy and Gerald Sullivan team up to do some lively wrestling in AMG Film S-43 SULLIVAN VS KENNEDY 8mm $8.25, 16mm $12.38.

Pgs 12-13-14 TO catalog. Right: Scene from AMG film E-10: ELLIOTT MESS

& THE BURGLARS. 8mm $12.75 16m $19.13. Illustrated on pgs 32,

TN catalog